Tosha Phonix
Organization: ACRES
Tosha Phonix is the founder & Executive Director of A.C.R.E.S. which stands for Agriculture for Community Restoration Economic Justice & Sustainability. She helps Black farmers strengthen their businesses through improved capacity and access to the resources needed to build a thriving agricultural operation.
Having a background in social service helped Tosha understand the vital role which food and its access play in society, and thus, her objective has been to help improve Black populations through healthy food access and production.
Since 2011 she has grown sustainable produce throughout North St.Louis city and county. Over the past 12 years, I have been active in working for food justice. She has collaborated with New Roots Urban Farm to help teach children who suffered from chronic homelessness how to become self-sustainable by growing food. In 2018 she was hired as the food justice organizer for Missouri Coalition for the Environment where she created the food equity advisory board consisting of residents of north St. Louis city who spoke on behalf of communities wanting to incorporate urban agriculture in their community. She launched the first BIPOC farming mini-grant in the city of St. Louis.
Tosha is currently the Director of Urban Farming at Muhammad's farm. She has participated in Neighborhood Leadership Fellows and Neighborhood Leadership Academy. She is an alumnus of Women's Earth Alliance and Sierra Club’s U.S. Grassroots Accelerator for Women Environmental Leaders. She serves on the leadership team of the National Black Food and Justice Alliance. She has been featured in several news articles such as Business Today and Civil Eats. She has been consulted for many food justice initiatives. She also does consultation work with Gladiator consultants.